Saturday, September 13, 2008


Me and my FI have just met with a travel agent. We were going over all of our options, and Hawaii is the number one choice. Ok for all of you girls out there, did you ever play MASH. . .well I did and Hawaii was the one honeymoon you prayed to get. We need to figure out the details but how can you not want to go there. . . Look at that it's heaven. . . so now it's just up to me to do my homework on the different islands. I want a few days of rest and relaxation and then I definitely want activities, you see my FI is not all about laying on the beach so I will have work hard to make sure he doesn't end up in the hotel room the whole time. So I want to go for at least a week and a half, and one important thing that I really want to do is SKY DIVING we have gone once before. . .

We did it in New York but i will bet a million bucks that the view in Hawaii is a million times better :o) Well I am off to research but I will keep you posted on what the plan is. . .


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