Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday Night Knottie GTG

So Friday night a few of us knotties got together for a girls night. . .and it was a blast. Not being from Connecticut I really don't have too many friends but it felt so good to get out and spend some time with some awesome girls! We only took a few pics we were so busy talking and getting to know each other that I didn't really go for my camera. There were 5 of us all together. Alina, Karen, Jen, Emily and me. So our first shot was a ring shot :o)

We went for a bite to eat so on this side we have Alina, Jen, & Karen.
Emily and I sat on the other side.
Group shot before the movie. . .we saw The Women. . . Thumbs up on the movie!
Getting ready for the movie to start :o)
The movie got out a little late but Karen and I were still down for a drink :o) And since Karen wanted to do some shopping for engagement shoot clothing we got together today again. . . .good times! We stopped in Jessica McClintock and couldn't help but try on some veils.
and here I am. . .
Yes I know I am a dork but I created a CT Knottie monogram to stamp on our pics :o)
If your a CT Knottie and you would like this for your siggy just leave a comment with your email!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh I love the monogram! Can you email it to me at Thanks so much, Jessica!

- Kristen (sunflowr0803 on the knot)