Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NWR: Twilight

Ok so I am the biggest dork and I have seen Twilight in theaters twice (I had company. . .my partner in crime in this adventure Corey). I remember seeing the previews for the movie and not thinking anything of it. I LOVE the HBO series True Blood and I figured "Oh ok I'll go see this vampire movie". I love Bill on my tv series and I looked at the poster for Twilight and I was like oh he's ok. . . WOW how time changes! So by the end of the movies I was in LOVE with Edward I mean who wouldn't be right? I felt a little odd because he plays a teenager but then again he is over 100 years old. I felt even better when I found out that the actor is really 22. I now don't feel as creepy anymore. So I kept hearing from everyone that the books were amazing and so I decided I'll give it a shot. The only author I can read and enjoy is Dan Brown so I was quite the skeptic when I picked up Twilight. Yeah after 2 days I have read more than half and I should have it done by either tonight or tomorrow night. Such a great book and I cant wait till I can dive into the next one. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book. . . its a nice break from my million and one projects :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally with you on this one darling! LOVE TWILIGHT! My go to when I'm not doing planning ;O)))) We will make a date when the sequel hits theatres!